We’re house hunting. And we need your help

Over the years, we’ve performed in over 250 venues.

A mix of our actors’ front rooms and a temporary base in Fetcham, take our online shows to over 1,000 children a month. 

And you’ve told us, you’re waiting for even bigger, better (and barmy!) shows.

Our challenge is, there are 23,000 SEND school children in Surrey alone.

Our current home just isn’t big enough. We need space for rehearsals, performance, production and storage. Poor Cinderella’s gown is a little crumpled and Blackbeard’s boat, quite squashed.

What’s the plan?

To open a fully-accessible, multi-purpose, SEND outreach, theatre and community centre. Enabling us to continue support for our 400+ family memberships, 80 SEND schools, respite centres, 100+ support networks and groups.

Most importantly, allowing us open our doors to even more families.  Some of our activities will include: 


Production of interactive and sensory films
Zoom sessions
Live shows
Multi-layered adventure game
Historical dramas
Drama training

SEND and Wider Community

Soft, messy, sensory & craft workshops,
Drama classes
Family-orientated & SEND safe café
Fitness & leisure classes
SEND work experience
Community room hire

What do we need?

 A 1,500 sqm centre, in 1 ha of land in central Surrey. We are now urgently searching for that site.

 Local organisations have offered discounted and pro-bono support but the project is still estimated at £4m.

Click here for more information

How can you help?

Support ‘likes’ and comments to our pin
Spread the word to SEND families, schools, communities and groups
Gain active support from Community/Council leaders and politicians
Site spotting within your community
Send us a letter of support

Please contact Anni to discuss any of the above:  admin@h2hsensorytheatre.com; 01372 278021 / 07519 747 290

For more details click here